What's poppin' guys! I'm M3k0Β², and I'm here to fill your needs for (amateur) quality cubing entertainment, and maybe get good as an amateur speedcuber, or something.
2x2: Gan 251 Pro
3x3: WeiLong v10
OH: RS3M v5 Frosted Ballcore
3BLD: RS3M 2020/GTS3M
4x4/4BLD: Vin
5x5/5BLD: Gan 562
6x6: AoShi WRM
7x7: PiCube AoFu WRM Ballcore
Megaminx: Gan v2
Pyraminx: WeiLong
Clock: QiYi
Skewb: Gan Enhanced
Square-1: MGC Maglev
Get your cubes from Simply3, and keep your solving simple!
- www.facebook.com/simplycubed
- shopee.ph/simplecub3d
Discord: discord.gg/9qFceZW
Sit back, relax, and cube on.
Keep poppinβ guys!
What's poppin' guys! I'm M3k0Β², and I'm here to fill your needs for (amateur) quality cubing entertainment, and maybe get good as an amateur speedcuber, or something.
2x2: Gan 251 Pro
3x3: WeiLong v10
OH: RS3M v5 Frosted Ballcore
3BLD: RS3M 2020/GTS3M
4x4/4BLD: Vin
5x5/5BLD: Gan 562
6x6: AoShi WRM
7x7: PiCube AoFu WRM Ballcore
Megaminx: Gan v2
Pyraminx: WeiLong
Clock: QiYi
Skewb: Gan Enhanced
Square-1: MGC Maglev
Get your cubes from Simply3, and keep your solving simple!
- www.facebook.com/simplycubed
- shopee.ph/simplecub3d
Discord: discord.gg/9qFceZW
Sit back, relax, and cube on.
Keep poppinβ guys!