Videos of performances from various concerts that I have attended. I do the best I can to get the entire song beginning to end in the video, but sometimes the beginnings get cut off as I make separate videos for each song so I can more easily upload/find specific songs. Sometimes if I don't have a good angle for filming the stage, or I otherwise don't feel like it's within reason to try to do so, I will record/post videos of just the audio. If you enjoy the performances that I post, please try to do something to support the artists providing the music and entertainment! Go out and buy a CD, download some of their stuff off iTunes, go to a show of theirs... They have to make a living too, and deserve to get something back for the great art that they give to us! As of now, all videos being recorded are through my phone, but the videos will generally come out with very good quality, so I doubt I'll be straying away from that recording method for the time being.