Biharplus is a very young and energetic org whose motive is to bring forth the fact that Bihar is a fast developing state in india and to show biharis as a highly productive and dedicated bunch of individuals who are raring to go. Bihar today is no more a prototype of lethargic, unimaginative and undeveloped state that was once attributed to it. After a long time invested in research over internet and otherwise, somebody came up with the name of Biharplus that reflected the soul that it will carry -- all the plusses of Bihar. What best can explain this better than the fact that investors are lining up to invest in Bihar and also the fact that Biharis who had sailed to far away shores for a better life are coming back home in hordes!! Biharplus salutes a modern Bihar. We are authentic source of Latest Bihari News Live online, Breaking News in Bihar and stories of people and places. We are a people's platform, giving voice to the unheard and so our mission is to provide a platform.
Biharplus is a very young and energetic org whose motive is to bring forth the fact that Bihar is a fast developing state in india and to show biharis as a highly productive and dedicated bunch of individuals who are raring to go. Bihar today is no more a prototype of lethargic, unimaginative and undeveloped state that was once attributed to it. After a long time invested in research over internet and otherwise, somebody came up with the name of Biharplus that reflected the soul that it will carry -- all the plusses of Bihar. What best can explain this better than the fact that investors are lining up to invest in Bihar and also the fact that Biharis who had sailed to far away shores for a better life are coming back home in hordes!! Biharplus salutes a modern Bihar. We are authentic source of Latest Bihari News Live online, Breaking News in Bihar and stories of people and places. We are a people's platform, giving voice to the unheard and so our mission is to provide a platform.