Welcome and Ave Maria!
We hope you enjoy our "LIHMposts" and that they brighten up your day with the light of faith! On this channel, you will find several songs, lessons, and How-To's from preparing an altar to baking and crafting for children and families seeking deeper immersion in the Catholic faith.
The LIHM (Leaven of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Sisters) are a religious community of women who are consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, and embrace a deep life of prayer, penance, and apostolate as exemplified by the Blessed Virgin Mary.
We are dedicated to the education and formation of the young and their families through catechetical instruction, sacramental preparation, retreats within schools and parishes, as well as House-to-House evangelization. There are currently LIHM sisters serving in the U.S., Philippines, and Australia.