Welcome to the Band - Robots And Magic Powers. We are an eclectic, femme-laden Sonic Rock band from Indianapolis, Indiana. R.A.M.P or Robots And Magic Powers. You can see more of our music and pictures at:
Website: RobotsAndMagicPowers.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/robotsandmagicpowers
Twiter: @RobotsMagicPwrs
Instagram: @RAMPband
Welcome to the Band - Robots And Magic Powers. We are an eclectic, femme-laden Sonic Rock band from Indianapolis, Indiana. R.A.M.P or Robots And Magic Powers. You can see more of our music and pictures at:
Website: RobotsAndMagicPowers.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/robotsandmagicpowers
Twiter: @RobotsMagicPwrs
Instagram: @RAMPband