To share a few things that i consider to be of utmost importance in this life:
1) Actively Seek out Truth.
2) Fearlessly Share My Personal Beliefs.
3) Respecting the Beliefs of Others. Especially if/when they They Seem to Contradict and/or oppose My Own.
4) Without Exception, I Practice Kindness, Patience, Tolerance, Compassion for Everyone I Come in Contact with. Especially when I, for what ever reason, I find myself struggling to do it.
This is how I view our world:
Imagine if someone you've just met, walked up to you, and in great detail proceeded to tell
you an entirely new narrative, completely different from what you currently understand about History, Nature, Geology, Cosmology, Spirituality, Physics,'d never believe any of it. Now, imagine the Memory Wipe gadget from the Men in Black films is used on you before you learn about this completely different narrative explaining our world.
I believe that this accurately describes our current collective experience.