The Revolution By Light was launched by Guruji Krishnananda in 2008 to spread Light & Love to the whole world. Light is the formless God. From this Light, an ocean of Consciousness emerged, & from that this whole Creation. This Light is everywhere in the Creation.
When Light is channelled by many, it can remove all conflict & transform the world. Light Channelling is allowing the Light to descend into us by intending & then spreading it around the entire world. Light is the Creative Intelligence behind the Creation.
Guruji worked as a channel to the Sapta Rishis. He established The Sapta Rishis Path, Manasa Foundation. Meditation with Positivisation of thoughts & emotions are the goals of this Path, which defines Spirituality as being good & honest. Spirituality is different from religion. Guruji asserts that we are here to experience the human life & all its diversity; we must manifest the Life-force. God can be experienced in Meditations & all the forms are his manifestations.