Hello Friends, I'm Dr Nehal Ashraf MD, Medicine (Pat) Welcome you all to my YouTube Channel "DR. NEHAL ASHRAF"
I'm registered Medical Practitioner Under "The Bihar Government . I have created this channel with a motive to keep all my viewers Healthy, Fit and Happy who cannot visit my clinic. My videos are primarily in 3 categories..
(1) Diseases and their Treatments.
(2) Symptoms & Usages of Unani medicines.
(3) Nutrition, Healthy tips & Homemade solution.
For more information related to appointment online medicine purchase, vlogs & my social media must Visit my website..
Hello Friends, I'm Dr Nehal Ashraf MD, Medicine (Pat) Welcome you all to my YouTube Channel "DR. NEHAL ASHRAF"
I'm registered Medical Practitioner Under "The Bihar Government . I have created this channel with a motive to keep all my viewers Healthy, Fit and Happy who cannot visit my clinic. My videos are primarily in 3 categories..
(1) Diseases and their Treatments.
(2) Symptoms & Usages of Unani medicines.
(3) Nutrition, Healthy tips & Homemade solution.
For more information related to appointment online medicine purchase, vlogs & my social media must Visit my website..