Hi, I'm Adam, and this is my channel.
For the past two decades. I've made my way in this world doing two things really well.
The first is playing bass in a hardcore band called H2O.
The second, and probably most relevant right now, is helping people become strong, healthy, and fit.
During my 20+ years in the game, I’ve learned exactly what works and what doesn’t when it comes to staying healthy, getting strong, and looking like a gosh darn sex machine while you’re doing it.
My content here skews more towards men 40 years and up, mainly because I am one.
So, I make it a point to stay current on all the research relevant to keeping Gen X'ers living long and strong.
My focus is on joint-friendly strength and mobility training using low-tech tools like kettlebells, bodyweight, and gymnastic rings.
Along with adhering to the timeless principles of human health and nutrition.
Subscribe to follow me on my journey and learn how to train for life.