Hello, I'm here to tell you....
You're worth it.
You're worth my time.
You're worth my energy.
You're worth my love.
You're worth my care.
You're worth my hugs.
You're worth my attention.
You're worth every year.
You're worth every day.
You're worth every hour.
You're worth every minute.
You're worth every second.
You're worth every millisecond.
You're worth every smile.
You're worth all the good luck.
You're worth THE WHOLE WORLD.
I love you for who you are.
I love you for everything you are.
I love you for everything you have done.
I'll love you till I Die.
I'll love you till you even if you push me away.
I'll love you even if you leave me.
I love you for your mistakes.
I love you for patients.
I love you no matter what people say, you're worth everything to me.
If someone ever says you're not enough or worth nothing, you'll always mean something to me and always to me.
From: Stranger who loves you ^^ Forever.