BRIDE AND SERVANT of the Most High God in Yeshua Hamashiach's Name. My calling is serving the unsheltered, down trodden, lost, heartbroken, etc. with fellowship &L💕ve. I love you with the abundance of love Yehovah God placed in my heart &spirit 💕 I have learned the most about Godfidence through unsheltered whom have an unshakeable joy in chaos and a peace that makes no sense to the world. When I wish to touch the hem of Abba's garment in Yeshua Hamashiach's name I SERVE!!! Yehovah God has saved my life so many times &many times that I have no idea or understanding but most recently he saved my life from a soul murderer spirit masquerading as a child of Yehovah God but GodSworD is MOST POWERFUL COMBINED WITH MY CHILDLIKE FAITH!! I HAVE WITNESSED MIRACLES BECAUSE I AM A MIRACLE & I BELIEVE WHEN YOU TRUST YEHOVAH GOD WHOLEHEARTEDLY AND BELIEVE EVEN demons TREMBLE AT YESHUA HAMASHIACH'S NAME ...I SPEAK A THING & IT MANIFESTS in YESHUA HAMASHIACH'S NAME AMEN 🙏 🙌
BRIDE AND SERVANT of the Most High God in Yeshua Hamashiach's Name. My calling is serving the unsheltered, down trodden, lost, heartbroken, etc. with fellowship &L💕ve. I love you with the abundance of love Yehovah God placed in my heart &spirit 💕 I have learned the most about Godfidence through unsheltered whom have an unshakeable joy in chaos and a peace that makes no sense to the world. When I wish to touch the hem of Abba's garment in Yeshua Hamashiach's name I SERVE!!! Yehovah God has saved my life so many times &many times that I have no idea or understanding but most recently he saved my life from a soul murderer spirit masquerading as a child of Yehovah God but GodSworD is MOST POWERFUL COMBINED WITH MY CHILDLIKE FAITH!! I HAVE WITNESSED MIRACLES BECAUSE I AM A MIRACLE & I BELIEVE WHEN YOU TRUST YEHOVAH GOD WHOLEHEARTEDLY AND BELIEVE EVEN demons TREMBLE AT YESHUA HAMASHIACH'S NAME ...I SPEAK A THING & IT MANIFESTS in YESHUA HAMASHIACH'S NAME AMEN 🙏 🙌