✸Welcome to Godly Message Channel! Here, we strive to share the profound and inspiring messages of the Catholic faith. Join us in exploring the beauty of worship through prayers, hymns, and spiritual reflections.
My beloveds, this is the beginning of the tribulation, but you should not fear as long as you kneel and acknowledge Jesus, God, One and Three. Humanity has turned its back on God because of modernism and licentiousness, but I ask you: to whom will you go when all that you have now disappears? Whom will you ask for help when you no longer have anything to eat? And it will be then that you will remember God! Do not reach that point, because He, too, might not recognize you. (Our Lady to Gisella - November 24, 2020)
✸Welcome to Godly Message Channel! Here, we strive to share the profound and inspiring messages of the Catholic faith. Join us in exploring the beauty of worship through prayers, hymns, and spiritual reflections.
My beloveds, this is the beginning of the tribulation, but you should not fear as long as you kneel and acknowledge Jesus, God, One and Three. Humanity has turned its back on God because of modernism and licentiousness, but I ask you: to whom will you go when all that you have now disappears? Whom will you ask for help when you no longer have anything to eat? And it will be then that you will remember God! Do not reach that point, because He, too, might not recognize you. (Our Lady to Gisella - November 24, 2020)