I enjoy making videos as much as you do!
Hi I’m Cloris or some of you might know me as a roblox creator let’s get on to the chapter! I’m a young skater but the skates are a bit different to roller blades.
I record rarely sometimes it’s because I’m starting middle school and it’s very hard to focus both studies and trainings
I post twice a week or maybe because sometimes my trainer is busy.
(Videos that I wanna make happen)
1.How to improve crossing
2.How to find the perfect start position (for your self) when u are at a competition
Let’s talk about number 2! For a 8years of being a skater I had only seen 2 possible startings positions depending if it’s left,or right and others!
Another thing that I’m really worrying about is: I do trainings 3 times a week and I definitely have no time to film included blurring my friends and teammates faces and identity just to show respect that they didn’t want to be shown.
Stay safe bye!❤️