Drum lessons, gear reviews, and projects from a pro drummer and drum teacher.
Drummer for Bloodstrike (Redefining Darkness Records), ex-drummer for Havok (Candlelight Records), B.A. in percussion, drum teacher, drum book author published with Hudson Music and Mel Bay.
Original drum books: Rudimental Grand Tour, Thrash Metal Drumming, The Complete Double Bass Drumming Explained, Live Drum & Bass, Subdivide and Conquer, Encyclopedia Rudimentia, Italian Rudimental Drumming
Other book: modern transcriptions of Ashworthâs New Useful and Complete System of Drum Beating 1812 and Potter's Art of Beating the Drum 1817, English translations of Tambour-Ordonnanz 1917 and Methode de Tambour 1885, and a reissue of Moeller's Art of Snare Drumming 1925. Books available from Amazon.com or Hudsonmusic.com or MelBay.com -- Please buy a book to support the channel and learn something new
App: Rudimentia - practice app to accompany Encyclopedia Rudimentia - rudimentia.com