Hey everyone! This is Austin and Jessica and we'd like to welcome you to our channel, a place where you'll find us living the life we dream of living and hope to inspire everyone to do the same. We reside in the small beach town of New Smyrna. We're stoked to have you! We live by one motto, "Have fun and that's final". We would also like to introduce the other half of our family, first and foremost, our Pyrenees mix Chief! Chief is a three legged, cancer fighting, badass of of dog. He is in the midst of fighting osteosarcoma and doing it like a champ! The other pet goes by Tomlin, Mr. Bubbles, Tom, honestly whatever our friends decide to call him that day. He's a black cat rescued from PetSmart about 4 years ago and loves to hunt anything that moves. Also, he's the sweetest. Follow along for fun and adventure. Once again, thanks for watching and we'll see ya soon! Peace and love.