Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) affects one in every 20 US citizens. Among youth in foster care, it affects 8 in every 10. FASD is a form of neurodivergence; those affected process information and interact with the world differently due to their brain-based differences.
FASD is routinely mis- or undiagnosed due to myths, misinformation and stigma.
Factoring together the prevalence rates, and the US population estimates for 2022, there are 3.65 Million youth and 16.6+ Million adults who are impacted by prenatal exposure to alcohol, most of whom are un-diagnosed.
With professional and lived experience, I offer professional development training, as well as coaching to parents of affected youth and to adults who are new to the idea that this may be the explanation for their life's struggles.
(I do NOT diagnose FASD or any other neurobehavioral condition.)
My book, Sip by Sip: Candid Conversations of those Diagnosed with FASD as Adults, is available on Amazon.