🌀 Hi there and welcome to Jay Black Cult.
I´m Jay and I´m a Multimedia designer / 3D Modeler / Digital Conceptual Artist / Visual Storyteller
My channel feature videos about:
• Time-lapse drawing videos.
• 2D and 3D animations.
• 3D Sculpting and Renders.
• Photoshop.
• Moho Pro.
• Unreal.
• Maya.
• Tutorials and more.
Art and music are part of my life, and I am very happy to be able to share it here.
I hope that my videos can be of help to those who already work, or wish to enter to this amazing world of design and conceptual art in all its forms.
Thanks a lot for your support.
Peace, love & understanding!
#jayblackcult #unreal #mohopro #photoshop #maya3D #drawings #art #timelapsevideos #howto #conceptart #illustrator #zbrush