🌊Hello!!! I'm Mr. Marble Eyes or just Marble (or Bora)🪩
🖍️I make art on my community tab!! Go check it out!!🖌️
🎸You probably know me as the Will Wood & Tally Hall enby but I like other people too🎵
👾My non music interests are YKW, DHMIS, BBU, MSM, Smiling Friends, & Moral Orel!!🎉
😇PLEASE be patient when interacting with my posts!!! I am trying my best to be kind with everyone🙏
😦Yes we can be mutuals, simply ask me!!!🫶
📢MY ONLY SOCIAL IS YOUTUBE UNLESS I SAY OTHERWISE!! I doubt I'll be big enough to have impersonators, but in case I somehow do be aware of this!!🔊
🎹Well, that was fun, goodbye!🎷