Welcome to Scotch4Dummies! We are a group of 4 guys that are exploring the world of Scotch whisky. This channel is devoted to providing information to scotch drinkers who have ever been standing in the scotch isle at any liquor store and thought “Do I want to spend $XXX to try a new bottle? If I could get some advice if this suits the style I am looking for, that would be great!”
We have recorded our reviews of scotches that we have had the opportunity to sample. As we get more scotches, we will add more reviews. We all have different tastes, so we hope you align with one of our styles and use these videos to make the best choice of scotch when you are at the store.
You must be of legal drinking age in your country to watch this channel.
Do not share this content with minors- share it with your friends of age
Please drink responsibly! Never drive under the influence of alcohol.