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Saxton Group

4.8K subscribers - no pronouns :c

We provide you with direct access to thousands of the world’


We provide you with direct access to thousands of the world’s most admirable Thought Leaders, Speakers, Influencers, Australian and International Icons and Change Makers.

As curators, we can do more than meet your request for talent. We’ll consider the impact, scale, message and significance of the occasion, and provide you with an exceptional experience to inspire yours.

With Saxton Engage, a service dedicated to achieving brand engagement through connecting businesses with premium Social Influencers and Ambassadors, you gain: a trusted authority to champion your brand message, increase your visibility and improve your brand health and sentiment so you can achieve your goals.

We believe in the power of stories to create positive progress in people’s lives. When we connect you with the right talent, we connect with the impact you are making on your audience.