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This is a project I started to see if it was at all possible to supplement a family's vegetable needs. By seeing what I can do in my limited area I thought it may give me a better idea of how much room it would require to feed a family of four. If nothing else I want to be productive in a way that is beneficial to my family,my self, neighbors and my over all community. It's my feeling that we all need to move away from the model of centralized distribution of our food supply which makes us far to vulnerable if the SHTF. It's my opinion we need to be increasingly more reliant on our selves for our own well being instead of settling for the garbage that's foisted upon us by the main stream. Since starting this project it's morphed into a wonderful learning experience and passion! One I love to share. I want to encourage everyone to try hydroponics and find out just how rewarding and easy it is :)