The way you feel right now is not the way you are. If you want more freedom, calm, love, peace in your head, body and life, it is absolutely possible. You are not too broken.
After spending 14 years healing the fearful avoidant attachment style, I am beyond passionate and dedicated to get you to where I am now: living a life true to myself, waking up feeling rested and peaceful. Deeply in love with my husband, and looking forward to the future. This is what life is supposed to be like, and it is my honor to help you get there.
In the past 7 years I have guided over 2000 people through my Dutch programs (I am from the Netherlands), to a secure attachment and happy relationship. Over the past year and a half, another 150 beautiful people through the English program Healed&Happy. I love seeing how lives can change within three months, and how NORMAL it can feel to have a secure attachment. I wish you so much joy, pleasure, and love.
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