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1.21K subscribers - no pronouns set

IT Pro / Gaming Guru been building computers and fixing tech


IT Pro / Gaming Guru been building computers and fixing tech since 1988 and been gaming just as long. My passion for hardware/software/networking/gaming is who I am. I want to share my crazy weird knowledge as much as possible being as I am one of those weird people born between two generations, Gen-x and Millennials, I can give a unique perspective on what is important to both generations.

I started this channel because I see many of our entertainment and art industries like video games, TV, movies, and the internet falling apart. These pillars of our American culture and society are crumbling and its only going to get worse.
My goal is to highlight some of the overlooked aspects of why this is happening and attempt to cultivate positive conversations about how we can work together to protect the art and culture we all love.

Video games as an art form are quite possibly the most powerful form of art we have as humans and it cannot go away.