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Lee Cornwell

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Figure out why does the R62AS has those 8 signs. Another thi


Figure out why does the R62AS has those 8 signs. Another thing to the R142/As has those 8 Thrid Avenue Elevated line announcements all the Thrid Avenue Elevated line stops. What I definitely saw on the video when they were showing the R262/As 1 through 24. They had the Baby blue 🔵 8 rolling signs. When they do dirty business God will bring it to pass. I'm very grateful onto the Lord that they had put the 8 910 11 12 13 rolling signs. That shows you that the 8 Thrid Avenue Elevated line and the ninth Ave Elevated line and the second Ave Elevated line is definitely coming back I'm telling you that now. No matter how much buses they put over there. Nothing can not take over or run over the Thrid Avenue Elevated line anymore. That's what they get for tairing down all these extra elevated lines down including Queens and Brooklyn. God sits high and look low. God was not pleased . Love Brother Lee Cornwell