ClickChauffeur is the ultimate booking module for taxi and private chauffeur services, designed to transform your website visitors into confirmed bookings effortlessly. Compatible with any website platform including WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, and Weebly, it can be installed in just 2 minutes.
The module offers a plethora of key features such as customizable rates, fleet customization, online payment integration via Stripe, and easy subcontracting. It empowers drivers with independence by allowing them to set their own prices, thereby maximizing their earnings without losing a significant percentage to app fees. ClickChauffeur also includes a vacation mode to pause bookings during unavailability.
The module is backed by a 14-day free trial, inviting users to experience its benefits firsthand. Already adopted by over 297 taxi and private drivers globally, ClickChauffeur is praised for boosting online reservations, increasing operational efficiency, and providing a competitive edge.