blog is very similar to a website, where one can find content regarding any topic in a written/text format, along with images, gifs, etc. A vlog, on the other hand, consists of video content published on any topic.
#plots #house #parrot #sound #FirstTimeHomeBuyer
2. #HomeBuyer
3. #BuyersMarket
4. #HouseHunters
5. #InvestmentProperty
6. #HomeOwnership
7. #PropertyInvestment
8. #HomeBuyerJourney
9. #BuyerTips
10. #HomeBuyerAdvice#RentalProperty
2. #ApartmentForRent
3. #RentersCommunity
4. #LeaseAgreement
5. #HouseForRent
6. #RentingTips
7. #RentersRights
8. #RentalMarket
9. #ApartmentsSearch
10. #LeaseSigning