slow uploader >▽<
My goal is to hit 2,5k subscriber!
Anyways my ship in BFB (bakwan fight back)
. Jelana(Jeje alana
. Anya X Medi (blacklavender)
. Karis X Klara (klaris)
Pls jangan serbu aku gara2 suka blacklavender
Karakter fav in BFB
I will introduce myself to you
My name: nuna
Age : private.
hobby : eat
Favorites thing to do : sleep and eat
Things that my friend doesn't know about me:
1. I have BIG anger issues
2. always feels Jealous
3. Scared with My parents
4. Always stress
5. Weak
6. Doesn't have too much friends
7. I hate people who takes jokes too Far (example : Hit my head too hard).
Gender: female