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The Gothic Queen

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Sniper of Trolls and Shit Talk Mic Drop I did my research. I


Sniper of Trolls and Shit Talk Mic Drop
I did my research.
I back the blue and thank our veterans.
To take a walk in my combat boots, you're going to need a wheelchair.

I'm a survivor of things I never thought possible. I've fought for my life more times than I can count. My experiences have made me appreciate the little things and taught me to live life to the fullest because tomorrow is never a guarantee. Laugh often, love intensely, embrace the things that make you unique, stand firm in your beliefs, never allow giving up to be an option, and always remember that self acceptance is the only acceptance that truly matters. Know your truth, Speak your truth, and know that constructive criticism isn't always a bad thing but never let the words of a stranger with nefarious intent hold any power over you.