in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
In today's free Draw & Jaw livestream, I'll give you --
A Demo On Drawing Great Calfs and Ankles.
We start 4PM, PST, USA
Legs are tricky because they have to show both pillars of support they are and the means to speed the body into action.
And calves are the last chance to achieve both.
See you soon,
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Join me on today's Draw & Jaw Livestream --
A Demo and Lesson On Drawing Beautiful Hands
Thursday Oct 24th, 4 pm PST, USA
And tell a friend!
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On today's Draw & Jaw you can learn -- The Only Perspective A Figurative Artist Needs Part 2
And it all happens on my free livestream today, Thursday, Oct 17th at 4 PM PST, USA.
See you there. Tell a friend.
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Your Free Draw & Jaw Live Stream starts in soon --
Thursday, October 10th, 4 PM, PST, US
I'm going to teach you the Only Perspective A Figurative Artist Needs to create amazing figures in a composition.
Tell a friend!
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Draw & Jaw Livestream, 4 PM PST, USA -- September 26
Today's Free Drawing Lesson is --
The Easiest Way To Render 3-D Form
And please, tell a friend.
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Today's Draw & Jaw Livestream lesson is on
Drawing The Ribcage In Deep Perspective Like A Pro
We start today, September 19th
Tell a friend. see you soon!
[ Drawing by Rubens ❤️ ]
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In today 's figure drawing lesson I want to show you -
3 things To Know About Drawing Deep Perspective.
My free Draw & Jaw livestream is every Thursday, including today, August 1st
Tell a friend and join the community. It's a pretty amazing group!
I'll see you soon,
32 - 2
Today's free Draw & Jaw livestream is going to show you a few more techniques for
Becoming A Great Concept Artist
It happens today, Thursday, August 1st
Please share the news by telling your friends,
I'll see you soon,
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How To Become A Great Concept Artist
After two weeks and a new Starlink dish, Draw & JAw is back.
How many ways can you draw any one thing?
In today's free lesson, I'll show you the three key strategies concept artist sat places like Epic or Disney must become great at to create a lasting career:
1. Drawing from imagination to create worlds of infinite possibilities
2. Understanding the real world well enough to rebuild it into something fresh and new
3. And strategies for doing it in ways that few others in the industry are doing it so you can stand out from the crowd
See you soon,
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Sorry To Say
There is no Draw & Jaw live stream today for the second week in a row.
My Starlink internet is down . . . Still. It's been two weeks now.
Starlink is sending me new equipment after the other new equipment didn't fix the issue. So, I'm hoping to be up and running by late tomorrow.
But sadly, that means, again, no live today. We should be able to come together next week. And I can't wait!
Best of everything to you all,
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This channel will help you build more beauty into your life through art.
Here world renowned artist Steve Huston shares his artistic techniques and life philosophies that will help you improve your craft, creativity and wisdom.
Have Steve Huston coach & mentor you, learn more at:
Join us in discovering and enjoying the beauty of Art. We don't just take a moment to appreciate it; we strive to incorporate it into our daily lives. We think Art is more than just skillful work; it's also about being creative and tapping into wisdom, which we sometimes overlook. We believe the world would benefit from more of these qualities. A meaningful life begins with passion, and curiosity fuels that passion. If you're interested in what we do, this could be the beginning of a wonderful friendship.