Hello Viewers !
FinEnthoos is dedicated to and is determined to provide a helping hand towards imparting and making understand the financial concepts in easier and fun way to all the Finance Enthusiasts and Students across. We aims towards maximizing financial literacy so that people across merely with an access to a smartphone can consume contents which may add value to their lives and well being.
We learn and believes in sharing our learnings with everyone via this channel, through this amazing platform of Youtube.
Lord Krishna in Bhagwat Geeta says - The prime objective of the most wonderful species on the planet i.e. Human is to understand his potential and make use of it in bringing change in a life and hence lets pledge towards enhancing our knowledge and building our skills so that we may bring a change in a life and our Nation in large. FinEnthoos follows the same and since its inception works with the same objective.
Welcoming you to be a part of the Family.