•Barrel Racing(Mare)
•Dressage(some not a lot) (Mare)
•English open (Gelding+Mare)
•Keyhole Race(Mare)
•I do comps with all my horses exept one
•Loves all animals 😁
•Favorite Movies/T.V shows~9-1-1, 9-1-1 Lone star, N.C.I.S/(all federal shows)
There's more I will add them later
•Barrel Racing(Mare)
•Dressage(some not a lot) (Mare)
•English open (Gelding+Mare)
•Keyhole Race(Mare)
•I do comps with all my horses exept one
•Loves all animals 😁
•Favorite Movies/T.V shows~9-1-1, 9-1-1 Lone star, N.C.I.S/(all federal shows)
There's more I will add them later