Piccosoft Software Labs India (P) Limited is a full serviced Web development and Mobile App Development Company. Founded in 2012 and having started with 3 employees, today, the company's strength of employees has increased to 100 plus .
PHP with Code Igniter and Laravel Framework
Node JS with Loopback/TypeScript framework
Ionic for Hybrid Mobil App Development
Hire remote workers and contractors for your project
We provide remote workers and contractors for your projects and start-ups. The resources we provide are self-starters, who can work with minimum guidance and assistance. They very well understand their tasks, role, duties and responsibilities. Then, they prepare themselves to work exactly in accordance with the requirement.
Domains we have worked in:
Want to outsource development project? or Want to hire resources? Let us know your requirement.
For more information write us: - contact@piccosoft.com