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Hello Garden 花見

2.69K subscribers - no pronouns :c

歡迎來到頻道😁多謝各位收睇🎇多謝各位訂閱🎆 Welcome to this channel🎊Thank you

東薈城Wonderful Hello Kitty Castle👑靚爆吉蒂貓城堡ハローキティ So cute bees decoration🐝 可愛蜜蜂裝置 樂聚維港嘉年華🎪 Hong Kong Harbourchill Carnival 2023-7-8 傳統粵劇原來係咁做特別燈光效果🧐Different lighting effects in Cantonese Opera is produced in this way 香港尖沙咀🌧️ 維多利亞港對岸消失 the other side disappeared in Victoria Harbour 香港國際龍舟邀請賽2023現場🤭Hello Garden @Hello Hong Kong, Hello Everybody 👋🏻👋🏻How are you 元洲仔大王爺寶誕👹表演隊回府So special of Kirin dance Free Drinks香港都有免費贈飲街上派😲 Dragon Boat Race👍🏻很熱鬧的龍舟比賽🛶大龍中龍分別系咁 It is a Small World🧐小小世界🤔️ Such a long bridge 🎢 unexpectedly someone is walking on the bridge這樣長的橋🎢竟然有人在橋上行 So gorgeous ancient princess wedding dress 極華麗嘅公主戲服 Giant Ducks and Super Goose, Goose: Please don’t touch me 巨😆鴨與巨鵝 Running to see the giant double ducks🏃‍♀️跑去睇巨鴨 Giant Double Ducks visit HK again after 2013早上看巨鴨現維港 青衣天后誕2023🎂原來係國際少年隊👸🏻 Tin Hau Festival 青衣天后誕2023🎂天后八人大橋👸🏻 Tin Hau Festival 青衣天后誕2023🎂一舉成名天下知👸🏻 Tin Hau Festival 青衣天后誕2023🎂戲棚頂呱呱👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻Tin Hau Festival👸🏻 青衣天后誕2023🎂巾幗不讓鬚眉👍🏻Tin Hau Festival👸🏻 powerful woman🥁Cantonese Opera 青衣天后誕2023🎂天才是這樣練成👍🏻Tin Hau Festival👸🏻Genius 驚喜那些年🥳古董巴士勝利二型🚎 Victory Mark 2 🚌嶼巴慶祝50週年打卡活動 青衣天后誕2023🎂流水式出場🥁哦!這是舞麒麟Tin Hau Festival👸🏻Professional 青衣天后誕2023🎂亦是🐷🐷貢獻嘅日子👸🏻 Tin Hau Festival 青衣天后誕2023🎂花炮得奬者Tin Hau Festival👸🏻Fireworks Winners 青衣天后誕2023🎂花炮藝術Tin Hau Festival👸🏻Beauty of Fireworks 青衣天后誕2023🎂薪火相傳Tin Hau Festival👸🏻From Generation to Generation 青衣天后誕2023🎂百看不厭,儀式感Tin Hau Festival 2023 青衣天后誕2023🎂👸🏻眼睛有望鏡頭😲?Tin Hau Festival👸🏻did she look into the camera? 青衣天后誕2023🎂竹棚劇場Bamboo Theatre 青衣天后誕2023🎂不一樣的香港🥁Tin Hau Festival 🐲not the same Hong Kong 青衣天后誕2023🌞🦁為什麼在攤位前舞獅 青衣天后誕2023🎂怪不得是文化遺產no wonder it’s Cultural Heritage 青衣天后誕2023🎂在等候恭祝的花炮Tin Hau Festival 青衣天后誕2023🎂千言萬語的花炮🎇intangible cultural heritage 青衣天后誕2023👦🏼疊羅漢👍🏻Tin Hau Festival🎂 Hong Kong style grocery store Old Hong Kong snacks 香港尖沙咀+維多利亞港+低頭族遊客so many tourists in Golden Week 遙望🍎蘋果店有幾忙碌How busy Apple Store is (Hong Kong) 香港尖沙咀廣東道Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong 香港尖沙咀海旁遊客so many tourists in the harbourfront in golden week 遇見機械人🦾睇嚟鐵衣非常重See the Robot 最後 3 艘傳統木製船的其中 1 艘 1 of the last 3 traditional wooden Junk Boat by Mr Au區渭 5.1 假期前夕🎒到昂坪吊車人龍long queues for cable car Coin game 🪙who are the winners 💰遊戲,誰是幸運兒 Magic fountain⛲️魔法噴水池 Oriental Garden