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我是早媽,女兒早妹曾有嚴重異膚。病情雖已控制,但仍舊不能曬太陽,也不能從事沾染化學藥劑或需洗手的活動,因此我們一頭栽進繪本共讀。病況嚴重時她一天要全身擦13次保濕/藥品,得靠共讀來分散注意力,舒緩皮膚不適。曾一天讀50本書,因此養成早妹愛讀書的習慣。現在雖然達不到這個數量,但每日仍會共讀一小時。2016年我開始錄製共讀影片,一方面想讓她將來有機會重聽自己喜愛的繪本,一方面是家庭紀錄,最後希望我的分享能對你在繪本選擇、親子教養上有幫助!! 所有影片皆為家庭影片,非商業用途,若有侵權煩請告知,我會立即移除影片。
I am a mom. My daughter is Zao. She has been suffered from eczema. Her daily activities are limited to lots of facts. She cannot bear heat nor touch toys with chemicals. So, we devote time on reading. Reading can distract her from scratching and provide comfort. We used to read 50 books daily. Currently, spend 1 hour a day reading together. In 2016, I decided to record our reading. I hope Zao can review the books by watching these videos. The videos are private and important records for us. I share them to encourage more family reading and hope parents can find good books to read to their child. All videos are for personal, noncommercial use only. If copyright is violated, please contact me. Videos will be removed immediately.